Don’t get too close

Growing up I was always told to stay away from those “people” as they where the disgraces of society or they’re too dangerous to be around. I never really questioned these sayings so I just internalized it. My whole life whenever someone who even looked to be “homeless” I would look the other way or just move entirely. Society taught me that these people are not to be engaged but I never truly asked myself why. Every day I would watch these immoral acts towards the homeless and I did not question a thing. They just deserved it for being homeless. In my freshman year of college, I was allowed to answer my why question. Picture the homeless is an organization who is run by the homeless who advocate for reform for the homeless. During our session, the advocators explained how society portrays the homeless and the truth about being homeless. The sterpty[es, the dehumanizing acts done to them. All this just because they are seen as below. After getting exposed to the real side of homeless that leave me alone that was installed in my head was gone. All these years I said their people were nothing, they were outcasts to society because that’s what society taught me. Ever since that day, I’m no longer one of those individuals who just sit by watching the homeless be subjected to society and their false beliefs. No longer will I saw leave me alone, No. I am the person who will say here and lets come together to better lives. We’re all humans in this world and no one is better than anyone. We cannot have these stereotypes of the homeless just because they are not as well of as the rest. These beliefs were installed into me as a child. Imagine the whole world having these installations.

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